All the connecting, searching and hard work on resumes and interview practice has paid off. The job offer is here! Is it your dream job? Does it align with your values and goals? Remember that it is challenging to get everything you want in a job, so review your list to see if this one can at least check off most of your boxes. If yes, then it’s time for the last few steps to sign on for this new exciting role and begin your next chapter! You can review pages 103-113 in the Job Search Guide we introduced in the first week to read more on how to accept a job offer.
Negotiate Terms of Employment
In the past, it was not acceptable to request any changes or negotiate the terms of employment. Today, it is part of the closing process. Take a look at these links to get some more information on how to get what you want.
Close the Loop with Prospective Employers
Important to be polite and professional when declining offers. Connections and how you present in the business world are so important. Writing a letter to decline a job offer is just as important as the one you write to accept.
Accept the Job
Finally, you are ready to accept! Write your acceptance letter and celebrate!
You did it! Thank you for following along with us these past few weeks. If you haven’t landed a job that is a good fit yet, keep reworking the process outlined in the past four weeks until you do. You can also reach out to us at Willing Plus Personnel to check if we have something up your alley.
Thanks for reading our post! The Workplace Wellness Blog is here to share tips and resources to help you be the best you can be for yourself, your social circle, and your home and work community!
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